Sales Made Simple - The Podcast

25. How To Use Your Mind To Its Full Potential (and grow your business way quicker)

July 14, 2021 Helen Walker Season 3 Episode 8
Sales Made Simple - The Podcast
25. How To Use Your Mind To Its Full Potential (and grow your business way quicker)
Show Notes Transcript

Are you’re struggling to breakthrough that next level of success? 

Are you battling with your own self-doubt? 

That's because, like most women you have a mind full of stories that you've collected over the years that make you doubt your ability. 

I call these mindset gremlins. 

All the I'm not.... 

  • Good enough 
  • Smart enough
  • Skinny enough 
  • Intelligent enough 

All stories that we have flying around our head that keep us playing small.

If you don't feel smart enough, you aren't going to go out there and position yourself as the go to expert now are you?

If you want to fulfil your ambitions in life, then you MUST remove those mindset gremlins.

In this episode I will explain exactly how those mindset gremlins got there and what you need to do to get rid of them.

Because one you do, you will start to see exactly what's possible for you. You will believe that you can indeed make it happen, no matter how big your goal is.

It's truly remarkable what happens when you declutter those out of date beliefs and replace the with ones that propel you forward. 

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In today’s episode I want to talk about the power of our subconscious mind! Now I’ve kinda made it my mission to tell every single women in business about this…. 

Because this is, without question the number one reason why I totally transformed my business! 

I’m taking about going from feeling desperate for clients, working with anyone who said yes… 

to working only with clients I love, who value what I do, who see the value in how much my programmes cost…. 

So if you’re struggling to breakthrough that next level of success, I invite you to get a pen and paper and start taking notes! 

Because when I say this stuff transformed my life, I don’t say that lightly! 

So we hear a lot about manifestation and visualisation and thinking positively and I’ll be honest I kinda concluded that this was all woo woo stuff…. 

Almost fairy tale and wishful thinking! 

I like science backed strategies…. 

But lately I’ve been doing a lot of reading and studying and actually there’s a heck of a lot of science that backs up that manifesting works! 

Visualising your goals as if they have already happened really works 

So I invite you to find some quiet space and let your mind just start thinking about your future… 

What's your wildest dream for you and your business? 

I'm not talking about what you think is possible, i'm not talking about what's feels like a reality.

I am talking about dreams...what you really want… if you didn’t feel bad for wanting it…. What would you really want? 

How much would you be making if you could make your wildest dreams a possibility? £100k, £200k, £500... a million, more? 

What if I said anything is possible for you? 

Would you believe me? 

Most people don't, most people buy into this idea that we can only have so much success, so much potential in us, that we have a ceiling on how much we can make! 

Almost all of us, have a bunch of beliefs that hold us back, beliefs that make us play small and believe that we can't make our dreams a reality.

Yet, we see it, with our own eyes all around us. 

Other women, just like us, who've made it big time. 

Who are living in total abundance. 

They're businesses are impacting so many people

There programes sell out month after month 

They make massive amounts in their launches... they are living your dream

Why is it? Why is it that so many other women out there can create the kind of dreams you can only think about?

It's the beliefs in your head!

I'm not good enough, I am not experienced enough, I am not smart enough, thin enough, likeable enough....

we tell ourselves we are simply not enough..... that people like us, don't make that sort of money! 

So where do these beliefs even come from.....

Well, these beliefs were passed down to you, most of the beliefs you have that guide your life... they're not even your beliefs...

Think about it... what do you believe about your ability to succeed? To make money, to make a lot of money? Where have these come from.... I'm gonna take a gamble and say your beliefs about money, life, success, what's possible, sound a lot like your parents, your grandparents and care givers. 

They sound a lot like the people who live in your community 

They sounds a lot like the friends you surround yourself with?

Am I right? 

We are the average of the closest 5 people in our lives... so if those people don't think it's possible to create a wildly successful business and make six figures, seven figures, then chances are you don't either.

That’s because we are a product of our environment.

Now this stuff I’m telling you, isn't rocket science, but we’re never taught this… ever…. I stumbled on this aged 34. 

I invite you to imprint this information I am about to tell you on your memory, because it's the basis of changing your entire life.

There's a programme in your mind, built by someone else, that controls your have to change this before you can create the kinda of life and success that you really want. 

This is the reason that you know exactly what you want to do, but you don’t think in your wildest dreams it will happen!

The programme is controlling your life. 

Imagine your mind in 2 parts…. So ok we know it’s may more complicated but actually we don’t need to know the complicated stuff to make a real transformation… we can make it super simple! 

Imagine your mind as a circle and draw a line through it horizontally! 

The top part of the mind…. so the top of the circle you’ve drawn, is your conscious thinking, your intellectual mind. 

Here you can use logic, you can base your decisions on facts and evidence, you can see other side to the story and other people's opinions. 

It's with this part of your mind that you can accept information or you can reject information.... you can agree or disagree with the information presented to you and take decisions and actions accordingly 

Do not underestimate this power you have - to accept or reject information. 

I want you to write this down and commit to memory because it's so important. 

You have the power to accept or reject facts, information and decisions 

Now let's look at the semi circle at the bottom, this represents your subconscious mind. This is a wildly powerful part of your mind. 

It's so powerful, because it runs your life on autopilot for 97% of your day. 

Using pre-porgrammed beliefs, habits, behaviours and thinking. 

There's no way that your mind can filter every bit of information every minute, it would literally explode. 

So your subconscious mind creates autopilots, so you can perform tasks without having to think about them. 

Imagine, brushing your teeth, making a cup of tea, driving... you do those tasks, pretty much without thinking, often doing other stuff as you do... this process is so ingrained in us, be don't even need to think about how we change gear, or put our indicators on...we just do it automatically. 

That's an example of a pre-programmed autopilot that sits in your subconscious thinking! 

Now, when you're born, there is no conscious mind, no intellectual mind. 

Imagine the top semi circle on your diagram isn’t there… you only have your subconscious mind and it’s wide open! 

Now remember, the subconscious mind, also known as the emotional mind, has no ability to reject or accept information. Whatever you tell it, that's exactly what it believes. 

Growing up, your subconscious mind, the part that runs your life for 97% of the time, is wide open to the environment around it. 

Everything you hear, see, smell, taste, touch, that all goes in to the subconscious mind and is programmed as a truth! 

Not an idea, not something you might consider… but as an absolute truth! 

  1. So if growing up, you felt not good enough, you saw your parents struggle or argue about money. 
  2. Maybe a teacher told you that you weren’t good at a particular subject
  3. maybe your parents overspent, or you knew someone who lost it all when their business failed. 
  4. Maybe growing up, you, like me, really struggled with maths and always told yourself I am useless at maths? 
  5. Maybe your sibling was the intelligent one and it left you feeling not good enough.
  6. Perhaps your parents or teachers had very high expectations of you and it left you feeling that you never quite hit the mark and always falling short. 
  7. Maybe you grew up in a disadvantaged area, where the whole neighbourhood struggled with money. 
  8. Maybe your parents told you that money doesn't grow on trees, success means hard work and lots of hours, that people with money are flashy and greedy or bad. 
  9. Maybe you know someone with lots of money who isn't a nice person. 

All of this information and experiences you had fly straight into your subconscious thinking as a fact! 

You can't reject or accept this information, it programmes itself in without you having any say. 

You can't use any logic or perception or facts...this information gets locked in without you having any say. 

  1. I’m not good enough - in there as a fact! 
  2. People like me don’t make that much money - in there locked in as a fact! 
  3. ’m not intelligent - all stories as fact! 

Even though they couldn’t be further from the truth… doesn’t matter! 

Stored as a truth! Because our subconscious mind believes what we tell it! 

As you get older, your conscious mind starts to mature.... but it's not fully formed until you are in your 30s. 

So for the first 30 years, your mind is open to all of this noise! 

Untruths, big fat lies flying into your mind about yourself, your ability, your worth, how the world works…. All flying in as facts! 

By the time you get to early adulthood, your mind is already programmed with beliefs about yourself, the world you live in and what's possible for you. 

  1. I'm not good enough to make that much money 
  2. People like me don't make millions
  3. It's not possible for me, because I'm not smart enough, intelligent enough, attractive, skinny, funny enough.... 

All of these incorrect beliefs, programmed in as if they were truths.

Because remember a thought is just a's not the truth. 

So then you think about starting a business, or scaling it or just stepping out of your comfort zone.... your subconscious mind, that we operate in 97% of the time, gives you a run down of all the pre-programmed beliefs in there... you can't do that, you don't have a degree, you can' make that, nobody I know has made that, so how can I? I'm not clever enough to make more money, I should be happy with my lot, making more money that I need is greedy...

All of these pre-programmed beliefs and thoughts pop up, so you start to feel bad, not good enough, that you lack, your not up to scratch. 

You start comparing yourself to other people on Facebook and Instagram which deepens this belief, that you're not as good as them. 

With all of these incredibly powerful emotions running through your mind, there's no wonder that you don't take action. 

Subconsciously, you've already decided that it's not possible for you, and you have a whole heap of evidence that backs up this decision. 

So you don't take action... 

You can think consciously and intelligently (using your higher faculties) about how you would grow your business, what you need to do to make more money. 

But if those ideas don't match the beliefs that subconsciously you hold, then you simply won't take action. 

Because your subconscious mind is an emotional mind, and it's way more powerful than your conscious mind. 

This explains, why we don't do the things we really want to do! 

We want to launch a membership, a new programme or even start a business, logically we can see how we might make it happen! 

But subconsciously, deep down, we don't believe it's possible, so you sabotage yourself before you've even got started.

You might think about launching a course, but you don't feel like you have enough knowledge, so you don't create it...or worse still, you create all the material, spend hours making it amazing, but you don't sell it. 

Maybe you want to start a podcast, but you fear you will look daft, stupid or nobody will listen because you feel like you're not good enough, you're boring and have nothing of interest to say. 

All beliefs sitting in your subconscious like faulty wiring...all determining the action you take and ultimately your success. 

So you end up concluding that your podcast would be a flop, so you don't even try. 

Well, it's time to stop all of that, because the good news is, you can rewire your subconscious thinking. 

You can actually take out the faulty programmes, the out of date beliefs that hold you back and you can replace them with new beliefs. 

You literally replace.... I can't make that sort of money, with I make money with ease

replace..... I can't launch a course, with I am able to accomplish anything

This isn't wishful thinking, it's a science and it's called Brain Plasticity. 

So I invite you to grab a big piece of paper when you have some quiet time and write our your big goals...I'm taking the goals you really want. 

Then ask yourself "is this possible for me" 

Make a note of everything that comes up

Write down everything that little voice inside tells you, all the gremlins

Don't try and reason or change them, simply write them down

All the "well i'm not good enough's" 

The but I need more experience....all the doubts, write them down

Then go through them line by line and work out if there's any truths to these beliefs.

If there is, great, identify what the gap is...a knowledge gap, great then work out how you overcome that...a course, a book, a YouTube video, then take action. 

You will inevitably find most of the gremlins that pop up are untruths, lies you have been telling yourself about what's possible for you. 

These thoughts are limiting your success. 

So it's time to change them

This is the exciting bit

Start writing out a new story

What do you want to believe about yourself moving forward

how do you want to be showing up

What views and believes do you want about your success, your ability to earn money and your self-worth

Create a new blueprint for the person you will become 

Write it out and keep writing until you've nothing else left to write. 

This is your new blue print.

Every time you have a wobble or a moment of self-doubt or right before you're about to tell yourself you can't do something

Get out your new blue print and ask yourself 

Am I living by my old story, the story that's full of lies

Or am I living on purpose, in line with my new story, the new blueprint I have created

If not, don't beat yourself up, just simply get back on track and start living by your own truths and values.

Eventually you won't have to keep referring to this new blue print, it will become your normal way of life. 

And just think how much more successful you would be if you lived by that new blue print. 

Imagine working with all of those lovely clients who value what what you do and reward you financially quibble free

Imagine the difference in your life and your relationships now that you are successful and financially free.

Without all of that worry and self-doubt holding you back 

That's the power of mindset and you have all the power right there in your hands

So give it a go, get out that paper and start writing. 

You will feel so much lighter after you have done this.

Let me know how you get on, I love hearing from you, drop me an email or find me on social media and drop me a DM, I'll put all my links in the show notes

And of course If you’ve loved this episode and know someone who would benefit from listening to this week's podcast, then send them the link And make sure you subscribe to the Cuppa Confidence podcast so you never miss an episode

Take care, have an amazing, day, enjoy, prosper and make magic, tune in next week…. Tarra for now